26 September 2023

Original idea for an activity to organize for an adult’s birthday

How to organize an original birthday party?

So Karen, are you looking for an original way to organize your next birthday party? Or that of a loved one? You are of course at the right place!

How to do, you ask yourself, to make this moment, a unique and out of the ordinary moment?

Here are some steps that might help you:

  • Choose a theme and ask your guests to come dressed up or with a specific touch: you’re already going from a “mundane” birthday to “the one to remember!” (maybe not for the right reasons afterwards, but hey…)

  • Organize fun and interactive activities, like an urban escape game, for example!

  • Then think about the decorations (for your house or if you rent a room)

  • Try to find a surprising gift (or ask for one if it’s for you!): instead, offer an unforgettable experience to share.

  • Then, prepare or order something out of the ordinary (cheese and wine and apéritif dinners are due to be seen and seen again!)

  • Finally, make sure you have an exciting playlist and encourage everyone to participate by adding their favourite tracks.

What activity for an adult birthday?

We talked about it just above: the urban escape game Karen! To get off the beaten track, this is clearly the right solution.

Coddy proposes a team game to be played in the city of your choice. Guided by a mobile app, you and your teammates will solve riddles and go through known and hidden points of interest to (re)discover the city in a different way.

  • There are different themes, for all tastes

  • It can be played with several people and you can even compete with each other by forming several teams

  • It’s available in 9 countries and over 60 cities! There’s bound to be one near you!

  • It’s also available in several languages: perfect for your bilingual friends. ㊗️

  • And it’s not expensive! 24,99€ for 6 people (less than 5€ per person)

Where to go for an adult birthday party?

The easiest way is to stay close to home!

And for that, the Urban Escape Game is THE solution: more than 60 cities are available, from Paris to Milan via Lausanne, to London, Madrid or Brussels. There’s bound to be one near you!

This is played in the city centre: the perfect place to find the perfect bar, café, restaurant or even club to follow the celebration of your birthday!

After solving all the puzzles and visiting the downtown area, we highly recommend a little drink break at the end. To quench your thirst after the (consequent!) effort and to debrief on everyone’s intellectual abilities!

How to surprise him/her for his/her birthday?

After a certain age, we don’t necessarily want to celebrate our birthdays anymore.

To gain a year is to slowly but surely move towards the certain death that awaits us (joyful, isn’t it Karen? ), nothing to celebrate, you’ll tell me!

Well, Karen, let’s get out of this gloomy mindset that our birthdays inflict on us and surprise ourselves!

By sharing a fun moment with that person, by organizing a funny and original activity, you can be sure to surprise him/her. That’s why the Urban Escape Game exists!

What gift to give someone who has everything?

It’s tiring… You want to get her something special, but you already know she/he has everything she/he needs. A phone? A city trip to Charleroi? ✅ A set of pans? ✅

How can you make her/him happy this year?

We suggest you give her/him an experience rather than a material gift. The moments shared together are more meaningful than a t-shirt or a pair of headphones. These moments will create lasting memories and a special bond between you and the person you are giving this gift to!

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