2 March 2023

Escape game in Lyon: 9 reasons to go on an adventure

Escape game in Lyon: 10 reasons to go on an adventure

Do you know Lyon? Do you know urban Escape Games? Would you like to combine the two? Let us introduce you in this article to the 9 reasons to go to Lyon to play an Escape Game. 

If you don’t really know what we mean when we talk about urban Escape Games, I suggest you go to this page where we explain how these games work. But to help you and to quickly summarize the concept, Karen, it is a game in which, with the help of your smartphone and your team, you go around the city. The aim of the game is to carry out an investigation or to escape from the city within the time limit. You walk around looking for points of interest where you have to solve riddles. Basically, you enjoy the city, visit and play at the same time!

What are the 9 places – the 9 reasons – to go on a Lyon adventure? 

Place Bellecour

This is the largest square in the city of Lyon and is located in the second arrondissement of the city. It features an equestrian statue of Louis XIV, pavilions, a children’s park, a fountain and a statue of the Little Prince and Saint-Exupéry. It is located right between the Saône and the Rhône and is a perfect place to work out riddles. 

Quai de Saône

During the game, it is possible to take breaks if you wish. And one of the nicest places to rest is on the banks of the Saône quay (if the weather is with you of course). From the quays, you will have a superb view of the old districts of Lyon, but also of the Saint-Jean cathedral. 

Vieux Lyon

Speaking of “old” Lyon, the Urban Escape Game is an opportunity to visit it while solving customised riddles about the area. There are so many little details that you don’t notice when you just walk by, details that only our puzzles will make you notice. 

Historic courthouse (Lyon Court of Appeal

It is located quai Romain-Rolland, in the heart of Vieux Lyon. The palace itself is already a stop to consider when visiting Lyon, but in an Escape Game, this monument is very useful for the puzzle creators. You just have to look carefully at the facades of this building to find the answers. You can also take advantage of the view of the Saône River from here and you can even cross the Passerelle du Palais de Justice for a panoramic view of the Palais and Vieux Lyon. 

Place des jacobins

In the Bellecour district you will find this magnificent square on which is a very special fountain, the Jacobins fountain. It dates from 1885 and its statues too. It’s the different statues of the fountain that you’ll probably have to observe carefully during the Escape Game… 😉

Lyon Opera House

In the series of incredible buildings to look at, add the Lyon Opera to your list. And also add the Lyon City Hall, which is just across the street on the Place de la Comédie. Two exceptional buildings that puzzle makers can have a field day with. Many details on the facades allow you to create riddles which, we are sure, will not be so easily solved!


An Escape Game course may take you up the hill to the Croix-Rousse district. This is how we allow players to discover the city and the panoramic view of the city of Lyon that this district offers. An important step if you have never set foot in the City of Lights. 

Take a break for a snack at Nardone

It’s not enough to walk in the city of Lyon, you must also know how to taste its specialities! So ice cream is not THE Lyon or French speciality per excellence, that’s right. But Nardone is the oldest artisan ice-cream maker in Lyon, and for that reason alone, it is worth a stop. Sixty flavours available: what more could you ask for?

The ultimate reason: you don’t need a health pass to play an urban escape game

These Escape Games are only played with your team and your smartphone, outdoors. So no need to book (just take your ticket for the game of your choice) or show your vaccination card.  

Play an Escape Game in Lyon

If these places have aroused your curiosity and you can’t wait to discover them, think about booking an urban Escape Game in Lyon: the course will allow you to visit the city and even see it in a different way if you have already been there or if you live there and the riddles will make your brain work and if you do it with friends or family, you will only have a good time! 

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