2 March 2023

How to manage/organise a school trip?

Steps to organize your school trip easily ✅

Before you set off on your adventure with your students, there are a couple of things to consider when organising your school trip to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible.

Ask yourself the right questions and once you have all the answers, you’ll find that managing your school trip will be much more efficient!

Here are our tips and steps to follow to organise your school outing easily.

1. What is the context of your school trip? ☝

What are the objectives of your school trip? Is it part of a specific course or is it an optional field trip?

Before considering a school outing, it is important to know the main purpose of the outing. This will make choosing the activity for the field trip much quicker and easier.

We have written an article about the purpose of a field trip, and there are many! Links to the lessons taught are not always compulsory and optional outings are also encouraged!

2. Who will be present on the school trip? ✋

Who do you plan to invite to this school trip? Just your class? Other pupils?

The organisation will also depend on the number of people on the school trip. Do you need to plan for several accompanying persons, a larger or smaller budget, etc.?

For authorisations (from the headmaster, parents or others), you will need to know the exact number of people who will be going on the trip with you. It will also help you avoid losing one of them on the way if you know in advance how many there are

3. Where and when will your school trip take place?

Logically, when you know why you are organising a school trip or an outing and you know who is going to take part, the next questions are where and when?

And the ‘where‘ often depends on the ‘what‘ too: what activity are you going to organise?

If the aim is to go on a school trip, you still need to find the destination, but also how to get there, the means of transport used, the accommodation to be booked, etc.

If you are only planning a one-day or half-day school trip, the organisation will be much simpler. For example, if you choose a museum, all you have to do is decide which city you want to go to, or which specific type of museum you want to visit.

The “when” will then depend on your schedule and that of your students, the availability of the place you are going to and the transport you will need to get there.

4. What is the budget for your school trip?

In order to choose a suitable activity, you need to have a budget! Who will finance your school trip?

  • Your school?

  • The parents of the students?

  • A particular subsidy?

Is there any support for students with financial difficulties?

Once you have determined the budget for the field trip, you can now move on to the fun part: choosing your activity!

5. Which activity to choose?

Well, Karen, it all depends on what your objective is! If your objective is purely educational and related to the class you are teaching, you won’t have too much trouble deciding what activity to plan for your school trip.

If, on the other hand, you are more free in your choice of excursion, because it is not necessarily an educational school trip, we have just the thing for you!

We’ve put together an article with the top fun and original activities to do on a school trip!

6. Find the accompanying persons and validate your project ✅

Next, you will need to find accompanying persons for your school trip. Can you go alone or do you need other teachers to accompany you? Can you ask the parents of the pupils for help? Talk to your colleagues and management, and you’re already at the final stage: approval.

Once you have all the cards in your hand, you can present your project to the teachers’ council or to the headmaster only. All that remains is for you to manage the insurance part of the project together: civil liability, individual insurance for everyone, insurance with the various service providers (cancellation), etc.

7. Enjoy your field trip

Here we go, now you can go on an adventure!

And speaking of adventure, have you considered urban adventure as a school trip with your class? It’s fun and super easy to manage. We explain it all in the article below.

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