15 January 2021

12 instagrammable places that you will see in our games

Hey influencers-amateur: we see you! We can imagine that for some people it’s not because of the architecture and history that you go to Ghent, Mechelen or even Leuven, but to find the best spots to photograph or to be photographed in! The perfect places to satisfy your 57 followers and to feed your social networks, right Britney? Don’t worry Bri-Bri, we don’t blame you, we sometimes do it too! 

So here are for you, the 12 hyper-instagrammable places that you will find in our urban Escape Games! This will give you an excuse when you’re there: ‘No no, it’s not a selfie, it’s a photo mission for Coddy’ #iwasplaying

Graffitistraatje, Ghent

Graffitistraatje, Ghent

The small Graffiti street connects Hoogpoort to Onderstraat. A very narrow street with walls full of graffiti. Don’t get too attached to one of them, they are often replaced by new ones! A very popular place for selfies and other Instagram photo shoots.

View of the citadel and Notre-Dame de Dinant

View of the citadel and Notre-Dame de Dinant

You know this view, impossible to miss it when you talk about Dinant. As the town is not very big at the same time, there are not 15 different viewpoints. However, for a change, go to the top of the citadel of Dinant, you will have a breathtaking view of the city! And if you want to photograph the classic postcard of Dinant, go to avenue Colonel Cadoux for this shot. 

Namur, from the Citadel

Namur, from the Citadel

You have to go to the top of the Citadel, yes. But this view is really worth it. And you don’t have to go inside the citadel itself, there are several viewpoints around that will allow you to take some great shots. Along the Marvellous Road (yes, you can’t make up those names), get out your camera. And for another nice photo, go in front of the turtle.

Place aux oignons, Lille

Place aux oignons, Lille

A small place as we like it. Lille abounds in squares and alleys which are hyper instagrammable, but we have a small preference for this one. If you haven’t been there yet, frankly don’t hesitate any more. And not only for the “onion square”.

The ghost village, Doel

The ghost village, Doel

Let it be said, this whole village is instagrammable. Since the majority of the houses in this village have been abandoned, many artists have come here to decorate the houses (mainly with tags). This leaves you today with a lot of possibilities of facades to pose in front of. What’s more, you will often have the advantage of being there alone and not having to make an endless line to pose in front of a pink wall, as in LA. 

Rue des fripiers, Mons

Rue des fripiers, Mons

Colours are always good to take on Insta. All the cobblestones of this street have been painted in every colour: a citizen and collective work. Nice, isn’t it? The goal is of course to catch people’s eye and it works! 

St. Boniface Bridge, Bruges

St. Boniface Bridge, Bruges

A small bridge from under the counter: it is situated just before the Church of Our Lady of Bruges and the view is crazy. Between the canal, the old bridge with its original shape and the church behind it, there’s plenty to do!

Chemin de la Corniche, Luxembourg (city)

Chemin de la Corniche, Luxembourg (city)

View of the St. Jean du Grund church and the Grund district.

A small path on which to walk to take the best shots of the city of Luxembourg. An incredible view of the Grund district. If you want a place in Luxembourg that is instagrammable (among many others!), this one is really great.

Oude Markt, Leuven

Oude Markt, Leuven

You have to admire each of the façades of this square to understand why it is so often photographed. It is a good place to sit, when the weather (and the sanitary situation) allows it, on the terrace to sip a cocktail. You’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to bars and cafés, that’s all there is to it! That’s why the square is nicknamed “the longest bar in the world”.  

Ijzerenleen, Mechelen

Ijzerenleen, Mechelen

We’ve already told you about it and if you follow us on Instagram, you’ll probably have seen it before. Just like in Leuven, it is the imposing facades of this avenue (also called the Champs-Elysées in Mechelen) that attract cameras and wallets. A must-see in Mechelen. 

King's/Queen's Gallery, Brussels

King’s/Queen’s Gallery, Brussels

Apart from the Grand Place and the Mont des Arts, another nice place for a few photos to share with all your followers is the Galerie du Roi/du Reine/du Prince, in short the Galeries Saint-Hubert in Brussels. A very long gallery which is therefore divided into several parts. 

Rue Eloy, Durbuy

Rue Eloy, Durbuy

Durbuy is also an “instagrammable” city. The small streets of the old town are all subject to photography. But the one we particularly like is the rue Eloy. At the intersection with the rue des Recollectines you will find this house, entirely covered with ivy. There are some nice pictures to be taken here…

Interested in discovering our games and all these instagrammable places at the same time? Check our website to see all our available cities and choose your game!