2 March 2023

What is the purpose of a school trip?

Why organise a school outing?

Karen, if you’ve come this far, it’s because the idea of organising an outing for your students has appealed to you. But you probably have a few questions.

Is it really worth it? Why bother with your students outside of the school environment? Is it really necessary to create a link between the lessons given and the organised outing?

What is the purpose of a school trip in concrete terms and why should you consider it?

We’re here to answer all your questions!

Organising a school trip: optional or compulsory?

First of all, as a teacher you probably know that the school trip may or may not be related to the school curriculum. This determines whether it is compulsory or optional.

If the aim is to show the pupils a specific part of a course, in a situation, then we are talking about an educational and compulsory school trip.

Optional school trips do not mean that they will not teach the pupils anything, on the contrary. But they will not necessarily be related to the course you are teaching. Does this mean that these outings should be banned? Not at all! They are just as important for the educational development of your students.

What is the purpose of a so-called compulsory school trip?

To confront theoretical learning by putting it into practice in a real situation. Immerse the student and put them in direct contact with the environment or the actors studied.

Strictly speaking, for a so-called compulsory school outing, and therefore in relation to the school curriculum, the aim of the outing is to give meaning to the theoretical knowledge acquired in class by understanding it in real situations, in contact with the environment or specific actors.

But these are not the only goals of the school trip! Other objectives are also shared by the so-called “optional” type of school trip.

What is the purpose of an optional school trip?

Optional outings, which are usually more educational and civic than pedagogical, have several purposes for your pupils. These aims are also met on educational outings linked to the school curriculum. These are learning experiences that are beneficial to your pupils, general objectives from which you will be able to derive many benefits in the future, and so will they!

  • Develop the pupil’s autonomy,

  • Develop their integration within a group,

  • Develop their responsibility,

  • Developing their curiosity,

  • Develop respect for others, for the environment, for the heritage and for oneself,

  • Develop their sense of observation,

  • Work on their ability to synthesise,

  • Work on communication: oral or written, with the other pupils, with the other actors present,

  • Learning to listen: to other pupils, to the actors present,

  • Broaden their knowledge,

But school outings will also allow :

  • A break from the (sometimes too) rigid atmosphere in the classroom to a more relaxed atmosphere outside the school,

  • To (re)motivate the pupils,

  • To make the course more dynamic and subsequently their learning,

  • To teach differently,

  • To give pleasure to the pupils (and to the teachers accompanying them),

  • To strengthen the links between pupils and also between pupils and teachers.

Consider the school trip!

Yes, Karen, you got it, school trips are much more beneficial than you might think. And of course, school trips should also be earned!

However, Karen, keep in mind that there are many purposes to this school outing and they could well turn the situation to your advantage!

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